Projects related to the Benchie project are currently under progression.
The results related to the Benchie project were presented in publications and at many meetings. See, for instance:
In journals
- Cristini P., Favretto-Cristini N., Tantsereva A., Ursin B., Aizenberg A.M. & Komatitsch D. (2012) Laboratory benchmarks vs. Synthetic modeling of seismic wave propagation in complex environments (BENCHIE Project): Results for a spectral-element method and the Tip-Wave Superposition Method. Proceedings Of Meetings on Acoustics, vol. 17, 10 pages (
- Tantsereva A., Ursin B., Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P. & Aizenberg A.M. (2014) Numerical modeling of three-dimensional zero-offset laboratory data by a discretized Kirchhoff integral. Geophysics 79(2), T77-T90.
- Favretto-Cristini N., Tantsereva A., Cristini P., Ursin B., Komatitsch D. & Aizenberg A.M. (2014) Numerical modeling of zero-offset laboratory data in a strong topographic environment : Results for a spectral-element method and a discretized Kirchhoff integral method. Earthquake Science 27(4), 391-399.
In meetings
- N. Favretto-Cristini, P. Cristini, D. Komatitsch, B. Ursin, A. Tantsereva and A. M. Aizenberg (2012) Laboratory benchmarks vs. Synthetic modeling of seismic wave propagation in complex environments (BENCHIE Project), ACOUSTICS2012, Nantes (France), April 23-27.
- A. Tantsereva, B. Ursin, N. Favretto-Cristini, P. Cristini, D. Komatitsch and A.M. Aizenberg (2012) Comparison of numerical seismic modeling results with acoustic water-tank data (poster). 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen (Danmark), June 4-7.
- P. Cristini, N. Favretto-Cristini, D. Komatitsch, A. Tantsereva, B. Ursin and A. M. Aizenberg (2012) Laboratory benchmarks vs. Synthetic modeling of seismic wave propagation in complex environments (BENCHIE Project), 11th ECUA2012, Edinburgh (Scotland), July 2-6.
- A. Tantsereva, B. Ursin, N. Favretto-Cristini, P. Cristini, D. Komatitsch and A.M. Aizenberg (2013) Modeling of transmitted and reflected waves in layered media, ROSE (ROck SEismic research project) meeting, Trondheim (Norway), April 22-23.
- B. Ursin, A. Tantsereva, N. Favretto-Cristini, P. Cristini, D. Komatitsch and A. M. Aizenberg (2013) Numerical modeling of zero-offset acoustic data by the Tip-Wave Superposition Method and the Spectral-Element Method. Workshop/conference “3D Wave Propagation and Imaging through the Earth’s Interior”, Wuhan (China), May 18-21.
- A. Tantsereva, B. Ursin, N. Favretto-Cristini, P. Cristini, D. Komatitsch and A.M. Aizenberg (2013) Numerical modeling of zero-offset acoustic data by the tip-wave superposition method. 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013 London (UK), June 10-13.
- Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P., Tantsereva A., Ursin B., Komatitsch D. & Aizenberg A.M. (2014) Simulations numériques versus Benchmarks expérimentaux de la propagation des ondes en environnement topographique complexe : résultats d’une méthode d’éléments finis spectraux et de la méthode d’intégrale de Kirchhoff discrétisée. 12e Congrès Français d’Acoustique, Poitiers (France), 22-25 avril.
- Tantsereva A., Ursin B., Favretto-Cristini N., Cristini P., Komatitsch D. & Aizenberg A.M. (2014) Comparison of numerical seismic modeling results with acoustic water-tank data : multi-offset experiment. Rock Seismic (ROSE) Research Project Meeting, Trondheim (Norway), May 5-6.